Australian Self-Care Alliance Charter

Self-care in health is a comprehensive, evidence-based, and complementary component of good health, that includes the actions individuals can take to directly prevent, diagnose, monitor and treat disease, as well as other behaviours that help you maintain or improve your health and wellbeing.

To celebrate, Australia’s only peak self-care organisation for health, the Australian Self-Care Alliance (Alliance) is proud to launch the ‘Self-Care Charter’ - what consumers need to live well and create better health outcomes for themselves and their families.

Developed in collaboration with Lived Experience Australia, and an extensive consumer and patient advocate consultation, the Self-Care Charter sets out 10 principles that consumers would like to see govern the delivery of self-care policy and practice in Australia.

Notably, 34 of Australia’s leading peak health bodies and patient organisations have endorsed the Self-Care Charter, acknowledging that self-care needs to be an accessible option for all Australians, no matter their health status, age or gender.

As Lived Experience Australia’s Chair and Director, Professor Sharon Lawn, explains;

“Greater self-care and empowerment in health requires a health and care environment that provides individuals with health information, resources, skills and support they needed to improve their health and well-being, and be an informed advocate for, and active participant in their own health.”

“The Self-Care Charter was developed to codify exactly what self-care resources, skills and supports consumers’ need to live well and create better health outcomes for themselves and their families.”

“If properly supported through targeted investments, self-care could be a game changer for public health, with benefits being shared by individuals,communities, and government."

The Self-Care Charter is available for download HERE.


Report: Self-Care 2030


United for Self-Care Joint Statement on Self-Care Day 2023